9 Yoga Poses For Restless Leg Syndrome

Yoga can be an effective way to alleviate symptoms of restless leg syndrome as it involves stretching and strengthening the muscles by improving circulation and promoting relaxation. Here are 9 Yoga Poses for restless leg syndrome.

9 Yoga Poses For Restless Leg Syndrome:

9 Yoga Poses For Restless Leg Syndrome
9 Yoga Poses For Restless Leg Syndrome

1_Standing Forward Bend:

Standing Forward Bend also known as Uttanasana is a calming posture that lengthens the hamstrings and activates the inner legs. It is important for restless leg syndrome .
How to Practice Standing Forward Bend:
  • To perform the pose begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with your feet together.
  • Then bring your hands to your hips and inhale deeply.
  • On an exhalation move from the hips to fold your torso over your legs by keeping the spine extending as you move.
  • Place your fingertips or hands on the floor in front of you or next to your feet.
  • Inhale and bring the gaze forward by extending your chest to lengthen your spine.
  • Exhale and lift the kneecaps but don’t hyperextend the knees by staying long through the neck and reaching the crown of your head toward the floor.
  • To come out of the pose inhale and rise up into Tadasana by keeping the tailbone heavy and the spine long.
Benefits of Standing Forward Bend:
  •  Improved body awareness, balance and flexibility along the back body.
  • It can also help manage the stress by activating the relaxation response and deactivating the stress response.
  • Additionally the pose stretches the back, shoulders, buttocks, hamstrings, calf muscles and also the soles of the feet.

2_Straight Seated Forward Fold:

Straight Seated Forward Bend also known as Paschimottanasana is a calming and stretching yoga pose that targets the back body, spine, hamstrings and calves. It can also stimulates the internal organs and prepares the body for meditation. It is useful for restless leg syndrome.

How to Practice Straight Seated Forward Fold:
  • Sit with your legs straight in front of you either with your feet together or hip-width apart.
  • Inhale and sit tall by lengthening your spine.
  • Exhale and hinge at your hips to lean forward by keeping your spine as long as possible.
  • Lengthen your spine as you inhale.
  • Fold forward hinging from the hips as you exhale without folding deeper than you can with a straight back.
  • Keep length in the front of your body by moving from your belly through your ribcage and chest and then your forehead towards your legs.
  • Let your arms slide down along the floor and if your hands reach your feet. Wrap your first two fingers and thumbs around your big toes. Bend your elbows by keeping them lifting away from the floor out to the sides and keep your shoulders away from the ears.
  • If you can’t hold your feet just loop a strap around the soles of the feet by holding the strap with both hands and keep your arms straight.
Benefits of Straight Seated Forward Fold:
  • Stretching the back body (spine, hamstrings, calves).
  • Calming the mind and preparing you for meditation.
  • Stimulating the internal organs.

3_Reclined Pigeon:

Reclined Pigeon also known as Supta Kapotasana is a gentle hip opener that helps to stretch the hips and increase flexibility in the hamstrings and release the tension in the lower back. It is also very good for restless leg syndrome.

How to Practice Reclined Pigeon:
  •  Begin by lying on your back with your legs extended out and your arms alongside your body.
  • Bend your knees and place the soles of your feet on the floor. Cross your right ankle over the top of your right knee by making a figure four with your legs.
  • Flex your right toes and lift your left foot off the ground.
  • Thread your right arm through the opening of your legs and bring your left arm to the outside of the clasp. You can either clasp your left shin or hamstring with both hands.
  • Ensure that your back and head remain flat on the floor. Draw your left shin towards your body as you press your right knee away from you.
  • If you have tight hips  you can use a strap or towel in place of your hands. Alternatively, you could also wrap your hands around the back of your hamstring instead of the shin.
  • Hold the pose for a comfortable amount of time by focusing on deep breathing and relaxation.
  • Repeat the pose on the opposite side.
Benefits of Reclined Pigeon:
  • This pose stretches the muscles around the hip region by providing relief for tight hips and releasing the iliotibial band (IT band) which runs from the hips to the knees.
  • Reclined Pigeon Pose can help calm the mind and release pent-up negative emotions that are often stored in the hips, making it a beneficial pose for relaxation and stress reduction.
  • It activates both the Root (Muladhara) and Sacral (Svadhistana) Chakras by bringing a sense of inner power, stability and balance and may boost creativity.
  • The pose can help relieve sciatica pain and release tension in the lower back and leg muscles.
  • Reclined Pigeon Pose can be both energizing and relaxing by making it helpful for cooling down after intense yoga practice or for preparing the body for more advanced poses.

4_Supported Bridge Pose:

Supported Bridge Pose or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana is a restorative yoga pose that offers a wide range of benefits. It is very efficient in the case of restless leg syndrome.

How to Practice Supported Bridge Pose:
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Place a yoga block or bolster under your sacrum the bony part at the base of your spine.
  • Adjust the block or bolster so that it supports your pelvis and lower back comfortably.
  • Extend your arms out to the sides with your palms facing up.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply by allowing your body to relax and release tension.
  • Stay in the pose for several minutes by focusing on your breath and allowing your body to fully relax.
Benefits of Supported Bridge Pose:
  • Supported Bridge Pose can help relieve back pain and discomfort especially when practiced with the support of props such as a block or bolster.
  • The pose can help improve digestion, respiration and circulation and it may also help reduce “heaviness” in the abdomen and reproductive system.
  • Supported Bridge Pose is said to nourish women’s health at all life stages by including during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.
  • The pose gently stretches the chest, shoulders and abdomen while also strengthening the mid- to upper-back muscles and buttocks.

5_Childs Pose:

Child’s Pose also known as the Balasana is a restful and gentle yoga pose that is often used as a transitional pose between more challenging poses. It is known for its stress-relieving and calming properties. It is very efficient in the case of restless leg syndrome. 

How to Practice Child’s Pose:
  • Begin on your hands and knees with your big toes together and your knees slightly wider than your hips.
  • Gently push your hips back toward your heels and separate your knees slightly wider than your hips.
  • With your big toes together your legs will form a V shape.
  • As you exhale lay your torso between your thighs by resting your forehead onto the mat.
  • You can also extend your arms forward by reaching towards the front of the mat or rest your arms on the floor alongside your torso and palms up by releasing the fronts of your shoulders toward the floor.
  • Allow the weight of the shoulders to pull the shoulder blades wide across your back.
  • Stay in the pose for anywhere from 30 seconds to a few minutes by focusing on your breath and relaxing your body.
Benefits of Child’s Pose:
  • Gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles.
  • Relieves stress, fatigue and anxiety.
  • Improves mental focus.
  • Relieves back and neck pain.
  • Relaxes the muscles on the front of the body.
  • Passively stretches the muscles on the back of the body.

6_Alternate Nostril Breathing:

Alternate Nostril Breathing also known as Nadi Shodhana is a type of yogic breathing that involves breathing through one nostril while holding the other shut and then changing nostrils and repeating the process. It is vey efficient in the case of restless leg syndrome.

How to Practice Alternate Nostril Breathing:
  •  Alternate nostril breathing can help to relax the body and mind by reducing anxiety and promoting overall well-being.
  • The practice of alternate nostril breathing can help manage stressors in daily life and promote mindfulness of the present moment.
  • Practicing alternate nostril breathing can improve oxygen flow and respiratory function which can be beneficial for lung health.
  • Studies have shown that alternate nostril breathing can help lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
  • The practice of alternate nostril breathing can help sharpen focus and energy by leading to clearer and brighter concentration.
 Benefits of Alternate Nostril Breathing:
  •  It may help lower stress levels and promote relaxation by leading to an overall sense of well-being and improved mental clarity.
  • This breathing technique has been shown to lower heart rate which can promote cardiovascular function and reduce the risk of heart disease.
  • It may help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calmness by making it a useful tool for managing anxiety and panic attack.
  • It can improve respiratory function and oxygen flow which is beneficial for lung health and overall vitality.
  • Practicing alternate nostril breathing can enhance mindfulness and focus, helping to center the mind and improve concentration.

7_Warrior III:

Warrior III also known as Virabhadrasana III is a challenging standing balance pose that strengthens the legs, core and back muscles. It is very efficient in the case of restless leg syndrome.

How to Practice Warrior III:
  • Begin in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Shift your weight onto your right foot and hinge forward at the hips by extending your left leg straight back behind you.
  • Simultaneously extend your arms straight out in front of you parallel to the floor with your palms facing each other.
  • Keep your hips level and your body in one straight line from your head to your left heel.
  • Hold the pose for several breaths and then return to Mountain Pose and repeat on the other side.
 Benefits of Warrior III:
  • Warrior III creates stability throughout the entire body by integrating all the muscles in the core, arms and legs.
  • It strengthens the ankles, legs, shoulders and muscles of the back and tones the abdomen.
  • Warrior III can improve memory, concentration and posture. It also invigorates and energizes the practitioner.

8_Pigeon Pose:

The Pigeon Pose also known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana is a yoga pose that offers a deep stretch for the hips and can be practiced in different variations by including the reclined version. Pigeon Pose is a deep hip opener that involves bringing one knee forward between the hands and extending the other leg back with the hips square to the front of the mat. It is very efficient in the case of restless leg syndrome.

How to Practice Pigeon Pose:
  • Start in a tabletop position on your hands and knees.
  • Slide your right knee forward toward your right wrist. Angle your right shin under your torso and bring your right foot to the front of your left hip.
  • Extend your left leg straight back and point your toes. The back leg should be straight and the front leg bent with the front foot positioned under the left hip.
  • Lower your body onto your forearms by stretching your arms out in front of you. You can also extend your arms straight out in front of you and rest your forehead on the mat.
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths and then switch to the other side.
Benefits of Pigeon Pose:
  • Pigeon Pose stretches the hip flexors, groins and piriformis muscles by increasing mobility in the front body and remedying tightness that develops due to prolonged sitting and slouching.
  • It can create emotional release and relieve stress, trauma, fear and anxiety stored in the hips.
  • It can also help alleviate tension in the hips and lower back and may also help relieve lower back pain by stretching the muscles and tendons around the spine.
  • It can help relieve sciatic pain by stretching the piriformis muscle.
  • Pigeon Pose can help with urinary disorders and stimulate the internal organs.

9_Corpse Pose:

Corpse Pose also known as Savasana is a yoga pose that involves lying flat on your back with your arms and legs extended and your palms facing up. It is very helpful in the case of restless leg syndrome. 

How to Practice Corpse Pose:
  • Start by lying on your back with your legs extended and your arms at your sides and palms facing up.
  • Allow your feet to fall open and close your eyes.
  • Take a few deep breaths by inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth to help relax your body and mind.
  • Let go of any tension in your body by starting from your toes and working your way up to your head. Relax your muscles and allow your body to become heavy on the mat.
  • Stay in the pose for 5-10 minutes or as long as you like by focusing on your breath and allowing your mind to become quiet and still.
Benefits of Corpse Pose:
  • Corpse Pose is a deeply relaxing pose that can also help reduce stress and anxiety and also promote overall relaxation and calmness.
  • The pose can help cultivate mindfulness and awareness of the present moment by allowing you to let go of distractions and focus on your breath and body.
  • Corpse Pose can help lower blood pressure and reduce muscle tension and improve sleep quality.
  • Corpse Pose allows you to integrate the physical practice you just completed and can be a valuable tool for transitioning from the active practice to the rest of your day.


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