In April 2023 Kakao announced a sequel titled Solo Leveling: Ragnarok. The web novel was released through KakaoPage on April 10, 2023. A webtoon adaptation is set to premiere in 2024.
Solo Leveling: Ragnarok:
The story is set after the events of Solo Leveling; the side story acts as a prelude. Sung Su-ho, the son of Sung Jing-woo and Cha Hae-in, inherited his father’s powers as the Shadow Monarch. However, his powers and memories were locked as a child, so he could have a normal life. But when Gates started to open up around Earth again during his third year of university, Su-ho was chosen as a Player by the System.
Therefore, Su-ho must become a Hunter to face the new threat that is related to his parents’ disappearance.
The web novel was written by Daul, who replaced Chugong the writer of the original Solo Leveling web novel. Chugong revealed he decided to support Daul, saying he still experienced the same emotions he felt when he first began serializing the original web novel. The first 105 chapters debuted on KakaoPage on April 10, 2023.